Archive for the ‘General’ Category

The Nasty Truth About Tongue Piercings
November 8, 2016

Tongue and lip piercings may be popular, but can result in a long list of problems including gum and nerve damage, loss of taste, numbness and drooling.  Eating or talking with jewelry in your mouth can chip or fracture tooth enamel, and constant irritation can result in oral ulcers.  Since the tongue is covered with bacteria, infections and inflammation are common, and periodontitis can eventually occur (when the gum and bone pull away from the teeth and form pockets).  Body piercers may be licensed or unlicensed, and may not adhere to good sterilization practices.  Regular dental checkups are always important, but they are critical for people with oral piercings.

Young man making a face, sticking out his tongue

Healthy tongue = Healthy mouth

Just what is plaque and tarter?
August 9, 2016



Plaque and tarter are closely related and can easily be confused.  Plaque is the colorless buildup of bacteria that begins sticking to your teeth four to twelve hours after every brushing.  Foods, liquids and your own saliva contribute to this natural buildup.  If plaque isn’t properly removed each day by brushing and flossing, it will harden and become tarter (also known as calculus).  The only way to completely removed tarter and prevent periodontal disease is to have a thorough cleaning by a dental professional.  Normally, this is done every six months at the time of your routine exam.  For some individuals, this may not be often enough and your dentist may recommend more frequent cleanings to help prevent tarter deposits.  Ask us how we can create a customized gum treatment for your mouth.

Whitening for Charity
May 13, 2016

Have you always wanted to have a brighter smile?  Studies have found that whiter teeth can make you look younger and is the first feature that people notice. Teeth whitening is an easy solution to getting a more beautiful smile. If you have been waiting for the right time to whiten your teeth than there has never been a better time than now.  From March through June, we will professionally whiten your teeth to raise money for seriously ill, disabled, and underprivileged children in their local communities and around the world.  When you pay for your teeth whitening, you’ll write your check directly to the Smiles For Life Foundation, not to the dental practice. Fifty percent of the donations are earmarked for our practice’s local charity partner, The Oklahoma Dental Foundation, and the balance goes to the Smiles For Life Foundation to be distributed to worthy and approved children’s charities across the U.S., Canada and worldwide.  Help those in need and receive a beautiful smile at the same time.  It’s a win, win for everyone.

smile for life2

How to Beat Bad Breath
September 25, 2015

No one wants to leave the first impression of having terrible breath. Just avoiding garlic and onions may not be enough to cure this foul smell.  Knowing what can cause bad breath is the best way to get yours smelling like roses again.

Oral bacteria is the usual culprit.   Good oral hygiene habits go a long way in prevention of bad breath, also known clinically as halitosis.   Make sure that you brush your gums and tongue in addition to your teeth.   The use of a tongue scrapper greatly enhances bacteria removal on your tongue.  If your doing everything right and still have a bad smell, there can be other medical causes.  Sinus infections, post nasal drip, or certain stomach issues can also contribute to bad breath.

Here are some other tips to try to get a fresh breath smell:

Try adding these foods to your diet:  Carrots or celery.  The water in these veggies help clean teeth and can stimulate more saliva production.  Apples can neutralize bacterial odors and parsley can counteract garlic smells.

Try these drinks:  Black coffee.  Don’t add creamer or milk though which can add odors.  Tea can help prevent the growth of certain bacteria.  Water is excellent in neutralizing bad gases released from oral bacteria.  In general the drier your mouth is the increased chance of having bad breath.

Featured image

No More Syringes?
November 11, 2014

“The wand is a gift from god.”

Many people have anxiety over  getting their teeth numb with a dental syringe.   In fact 75% of adults say they experience some form of dental anxiety.  Luckily, dental technology is always evolving.  Now your anesthesia can be computerized!

With the Dental Wand technology, you can have a more comfortable dental visit.  Quit delaying treatment and get your smile back to healthy and beautiful.

“Not only was it painless, but it worked better than the usual injections. For anyone afraid of needles or injections, I can’t say enough good things about this system.”

Dental technology

Another Great Reason to Quit Smoking- Healthy Teeth!
September 11, 2014

Hopefully you know that smoking is bad for your health, but did you know it is just as bad for your oral health?

Tobacco use in any form is hazardous to your oral health. In addition to stained teeth, bad breath and a diminished sense of taste and smell, smoking also increases your risk of gum disease, one of the leading causes of tooth loss.  It can cause receding gums, leaving the roots of the teeth exposed.  This increases the risk of tooth decay and causes hot and cold sensitivity.  Using tobacco products can slow down healing after extractions or other types of oral surgery.  It greatly increases your risk for oral cancer, a disease that progresses rapidly and can be deadly if not diagnosed and treated early.  Both cigarettes and smokeless tobacco contain dangerous chemicals… 28 different cancer- causing chemicals have been identified in smokeless tobacco products.


Today is the day to stop.  Others have done it and so can you.  Find more information and help at

gum disease

Biting Your Nails Isn’t Just Bad for Your Nails!
July 11, 2014

Nail biting is a bad habit for several reasons.  Children and even adults who bite their nails can crack, chip or wear down their front teeth.  The forces from gnawing on a fingernail can cause stress to the teeth that later weakens the tooth during chewing.  If you are nail biting while wearing braces, there is a greater risk of root resorption which can lead to tooth loss.   Front teeth can be repaired with dental bondings or beautiful cosmetic veneers
.  However if the habit continues even after the teeth have been restored, these dental treatments can chip and fail over time.   In addition to damaging the teeth, if jagged or sharp fingernails come in contact with the gums, you can damage or tear gum tissue.

Nail biting isn’t just an unattractive and unhygienic habit, but also a potential long term risk to you beautiful smile.  Do your best to stop the habit and discourage others.

Teeth needing dental veneers

Giving Back through the Mission of Mercy
February 27, 2014

Providing treatmentThis year was the fifth Oklahoma Mission of Mercy and Dr. Beasley had the pleasure of volunteering in all five events.  The Mission of Mercy is a two day event where dentists from across the state offer free dental care.  The site of the event has moved to different regions of Oklahoma to help patients in those areas have easier access to the care.   Everything from hygiene, fillings, and extractions to much more is offered.  This year in Enid over a million dollars worth of dental care was given away to almost 2000 patients.  Everyone at our office believe strongly in the event and encourage you to volunteer for future events.  More information can be found at www.okmom.orgHappy volunteers

4 Easy Tips for a Healthier Smile
November 23, 2013

Here are some simple tips to help keep your smile beautiful:

1. Drink more water.  Fluoride in tap water can help fight tooth decay.  If you prefer bottled water, check the label for any fluoride content.

2.  Eat sugary or acidic foods, including drinks, with your meal. 

Keep Your Smile Beautiful

Keep Your Smile Beautiful

More saliva is produced during meals, and this can help neutralize any acid from foods and rinse teeth of food particles.

3.  Limit between meal snacks.  Frequency of food consumption increases the length of time that tooth destroying acids are in your mouth.  If you crave a snack, choose sugarless foods or a snack that is less acidic.

4.  Brush your teeth.  Removing food build up twice a day and flossing between the teeth once a day will go a long way in keeping your smile beautiful.

Fight Tooth Decay with Your Food Choices
September 13, 2013

Milk does a body good!

Milk does a body good!

Do you know that there are some foods that can help fight against tooth decay and gum disease? So what are these dental power foods?

1. Dairy products, including milk, cheese and plain yogurt. The calcium and phosphates found in most dairy products can help in restoring minerals in your teeth that other foods may have damaged. Plus cheese can help produce more saliva. Saliva can help neutralize the enzymes and acids that attack your teeth. It is your body’s natural defense against cavities.

2. Fruits and vegetables rich in fiber. Another great food that can increase saliva flow.

3. Sugarless chewing gum. The chewing of gum can also increase saliva flow. Just make sure you are not adding additional sugar by only chewing sugar free!

4. Green and black teas. These contain polphenols which can kill or suppress the bacteria that create the harmful tooth destroying acids.

So what foods are bad choices for a healthy smile?

1. Sweets that are sticky. The longer refined sugars sit on the teeth the increase in tooth decay.

2. Carbonated soft drinks. The number one source of added sugar in children. The acid and sugar in soft drinks can severely erode your teeth.

3. Starchy food that can stick to your teeth. Breads and chips that get stuck in your teeth are an easy way for tooth decay to begin.

4. Food that dry out your mouth. Alcohol and some medications can decrease saliva flow. This lessens the natural defense benefits of saliva.