Whiten Your Smile This Spring!

March 23, 2023 - Leave a Response

SPRING IS A TIME of renewal and revitalization. All the green is back, flowers are blooming again, and birds are singing. What better time to renew your smile with whitening treatments?


Thanks for helping us make a difference in children’s lives!

If you have any questions about keeping your teeth looking clean and white, ask us! We’ll help you find the best solution to get your whitest, healthiest teeth!

Whiten for Charity: Help a Child in Need

March 9, 2023 - Leave a Response

Through June, Justin L. Beasley, DDS is donating 100% of proceeds of teeth whitening to the Smiles for Life Foundation. With Zoom! in office teeth whitening or custom take home trays, YOU can whiten while donating to charity! Call us today to schedule your specialized teeth whitening and help a child in need!


Dry Mouth?

February 15, 2023 - Leave a Response

Dear Dr. Beasley,

I’ve been suffering from dry mouth. Should I be concerned?

Saliva plays a very important role in maintaining oral health. It is your mouth’s first defense against tooth decay as it reduces plaque and washes away food and debris from your teeth and gums. Saliva allows you to break down food and increases your ability to taste, along with a host of other benefits. Dry mouth can be common in older adults and it can be a side effect of taking certain medications such as antihistamines, decongestants, pain killers, diuretics and others. Some problems associated with dry mouth include a constant sore throat, burning sensation, trouble speaking, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness or dry nasal passages. Dr. Beasley can recommend various methods to restore moisture. Call us today!

Can whitening damage my crown?

September 7, 2022 - Leave a Response

Dear Dr. Beasley,

I would love to whiten my teeth but one of my front teeth is a crown. Will the whitening process damage it?

It is not an issue of damaging your crown (10 years clinical use of whitening products containing 10% carbamide peroxide have not shown damage to dental restorations). However, existing restorations such as tooth-colored fillings, crowns, bonding, veneers and bridges will not lighten. This means that any pre-existing dental work may need replaced to match the new tooth shade achieved in your natural teeth if you proceed with the whitening process. More questions? Give us a call!

Bad Breath Troubles

November 18, 2021 - Leave a Response

Dear Dr. Beasley,

I am so embarrassed by my bad breath.  How can I fix it? 

If you suffer from chronic bad breath, also called halitosis, you are not alone.  Unlike “morning breath” or a strong smell that lingers after eating onions, halitosis remains for an extended period and can be a sign of an underlying dental problem.  Cavities or gum disease give bad breath bacteria places to hide in your mouth.  Mouth, nose or throat infections can lead to postnasal drip that may also contribute to bad breath.  Dry mouth, tobacco use, as well as many chronic conditions can also cause halitosis.  Follow a healthy dental routine, and if your bad breath persists, give us a call.  With a proper cleaning and exam, we can rule out any oral health problems and advise you on next steps to make your mouth feel fresh again.

What do I do if a child’s tooth gets knocked out?

May 10, 2021 - Leave a Response

Dear Dr. Beasley,

My energetic young son has had several minor accidents and I worry about him damaging one of his teeth.  What can I do?

A dental emergency can be traumatic due to the likelihood of blood and anxiety.  Knowing what to do when a tooth is knocked out is critical, because it can usually be saved.  Baby teeth are important because they prevent future crowding and aid in the development of speech.  If a tooth is knocked out, place the tooth back in the mouth and secure with a wet wrap.  If this is not possible or there is a chance the child may swallow the tooth, then place it in a cup of milk or saliva, not water, and get to the dentist immediately.  A chipped tooth is not an emergency and a dentist appointment can be made at your convenience.  However, if your child is experiencing severe or lingering pain, call us immediately, as pain could indicate nerve involvement.

New Year, New You!

January 6, 2021 - Leave a Response

New year, new you! If you’ve been wanting to improve the look and feel of your teeth and smile, 2021 is a great time to take it in the right direction! We are proud to offer the latest technology with Invisalign and Itero! It’s convenient, removable and clear, so most may not even notice you have your trays in! You can read all about Invisalign from their fabulous website at https://invisalign.com/the-invisalign-difference/adult. Let us help you achieve your smile goals this year and talk more about if Invisalign is right for you and your family.

What's the difference between Invisalign and Metal Braces? - Bluebird  Family Dentistry & Orthodontics

Why do I need to go to the dentist regularly?

November 2, 2020 - Leave a Response

Dear Dr. Beasley,

What is the benefit of seeing my dentist regularly?

Regular dental visits are important because they can identify problems early on when treatment is more likely to be simple and more affordable.  Regular visits can also help to prevent problems from developing at all.  Some signs you should see Dr. Beasley include: teeth that are sensitive to hot and cold, gums that are puffy or bleed after brushing or flossing, persistent bad breath or bad taste in your mouth, difficulty chewing or swallowing, family history of gum disease or tooth decay, mouth that is often dry, use of tobacco products or a spot or sore that doesn’t look or feel right in the mouth and isn’t going away.  Schedule your biannual dental visit with Dr. Beasley today!  Thank you for your trust in our practice.


September 22, 2020 - Leave a Response

Dear Dr. Beasley;

Do you suggest dental sealants for toddlers?

            A: Sealants are a thin, plastic coating that is painted on the chewing surfaces of teeth (usually the back teeth) to prevent tooth decay. The painted on liquid sealant quickly bonds into the depressions and grooves of each tooth, forming a protective shield over enamel. Children should get sealants on their permanent molars and premolars as soon as teeth come in. This protects the teeth though the cavity prone years of ages six to fourteen. However, adults without decay or fillings in their molars can also benefit sealants. Sealants can protect the teeth from decay for up to ten years, but they need to be checked for chipping or wearing at regular dental checkups.

Your added safety when coming to our office during the pandemic

August 18, 2020 - Leave a Response

At Justin L. Beasley, DDS, our top priority is to deliver the highest quality of care your smile deserves.  That includes keeping you and your family safe, and more so than ever during the pandemic.  Please check out the quick one minute video of Dr. Beasley illustrating how we are protecting our patients.  We look forward to seeing you and your family soon!

The team at Justin L. Beasley, DDS