Archive for January, 2019

Can nail biting cause long term damage?
January 28, 2019

Dear Dr. Beasley,

Q: My nine year old daughter is a nail-biter.  Besides ruining her nails, is she causing long term damage to her teeth?

A: Nail biting is a bad habit for several reasons.  Children and adults who bite their nails can crack, chip or wear down their front teeth from the stress caused by biting.  If your daughter wears braces, she is also putting herself at a greater risk of root resorption (which can lead to tooth loss) and of damaged gum tissue caused by torn, jagged or sharp fingernails coming into contact with gums.  Nail biting is an unattractive and unhygienic habit that should be discouraged. There are over the counter products such as Mavala Stop that can be applied as a physical reminder when breaking the habit.