Archive for February, 2019

What’s the scoop on oral cancer, and am I at risk?
February 21, 2019

Q: I’ve been hearing a lot about oral cancer lately. What’s the scoop and am I at risk?
A: Oral cancer kills one person every hour of every day and early detection is key.  Our patients’ overall dental and oral health is top priority, and we do an oral cancer screening at each of their routine hygiene exams.  This includes a visual examination of any irregularities in the gums, tongue, and palate as well as examination of the jaw bone through periodic x- rays. It is now recommended individuals (especially if you are at high risk including smokeless tobacco and HPV virus) perform a monthly self check. is a great resource on how to do a monthly at home check.  Be sure and mention any questionable areas at your exam so we can thoroughly assess your concerns.